Registration Forms

Events info & Registration Forms


Cruise 11 on Sept 7, 2014

 6th annual Cruise 11 for 9-11”

September 7, 2014 Registration Form

Dash Plaque & Goodie Bag for first 100 Pre-Registered Vehicles

*This event is a fundraiser for the Decatur, IL Veterans Christmas gifts (American Legion Post 105)

*Call Ayn (217) 791-1385 or email for questions  Car/Bike Show @ Central Park(Free entertainment 1:30pm) 9-11 Memorial Service at 2:30pm. Fill out this form, sign and return it, along with your payment of $11.00, to Cruise 11.  This registration form & payment must be post marked by September 1, 2014 to have your packet at the gate; drive in registrations will be accepted.  Please fill out a separate form for each vehicle & send one check with total payment.  Your registration packet will be at the registration table beginning at 8 am.  You will be emailed a confirmation packet number or you will receive packet number by phone. Official Cruise -yellow ribbons given and registration will be near Central Park Stage…Pre registered check in and Cruise In Check in tables on the stage beginning at 8am

Registration Information                                                    Entry Information

Name:                                                                                                  Year:                                                              

Phone:                                                                                                 Make:                                                             

Address:                                                                                              Model:                                                            

                                                                                                            Miles traveled to show?                                 

Email:  ____________                                                          

Your entry must be post-marked by September 1, 2014 to receive your registration # or you may register at  Central Park beginning at 8 am.   Parking is on a first-come, first-serve basis at Central Park.

Unique trophies will be awarded:  First responders’ choices

Special thanks to Hupy & Abraham, Dynagraphics and Herald & Review

Waiver & Agreement Form

The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ayn Owens, AYN Productions, City of Decatur, Cruise 11 Committee & Staff and all sponsors of the Cruise 11 Event, their agents, officers, members, or employees, for any and all liability arising out of the participation in the Cruise 11 event, including but not limited to injury or damage to any person or property.  I have read, understand and agree to the above.




Date:                                         Cell Phone # ______________________________

2014 Cruise 11  Information


8:00am  Car & Bike Show Registration


1:00pm  Judging of Cars & Bikes-Judges are first responders and Veterans

1:30pm Free entertainment

2:30pm 13-Year Anniversary 9-11 Memorial Service

Awards for Show

3:00pm 11-Mile Yellow ribbon Memorial Cruise: Central Park to West Main to Decatur Conference Center and back

ALL PROCEEDS TO Veterans Christmas gifts (American Legion Post 105)

FOR MORE INFO:  Ayn Owens  (217)791-1385


Autos pre 1950

Autos 1950-1969

Autos 1970-1989

Street Rods

Autos 1990 & Newer


Motorcycle Special Interest

Motorcycle Sport

Motorcycle Custom

Motorcycle Touring

Motorcycle Cruiser



CRUISE 11 on Sept. 9, 2012

Car/bike show registration form


Commercial/Craft Show Application

Cruise 11-2012Craft.doc