Thank you notes for 1st responders requested
Cruise 11 to Remember 9-11 requests the public to make thank you cards to be presented when the event presents the representatives from the Macon County Sheriff, Decatur Police, Decatur Fire, Decatur Ambulance their appreciation awards at the September 11th Community Memorial Service at 2:00pm at Central Park in downtown Decatur. The Public is encouraged to attend the Memorial Service and show their support of 1stresponders as the community recognizes the 15th anniversary of 9-11.
Fleet Feet (1090 W Wood Decatur) is a card collection location. Anyone, group, school or organization can make thank you cards, write thank you letters or sign cards and drop them off at Fleet Feet. The cards will be bundled and presented to first responders on September 11th. Hundreds of cards are collected annually at this event. The events on September 11 will include: a car/bike show, Patriotic music, the Memorial and Appreciation awards service and an 11 mille yellow ribbon BG Nevitt Cruise in memory of those lost on 9-11.
All proceeds/donations from the event are donated to purchase Christmas for Veterans in need. In 2015 funds purchased Christmas gifts for nearly 100 Macon County Veterans in Nursing facilities.
Email event coordinator, Ayn Owens at for further information or Cruise 11 to Remember 9-11 fb page.
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