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AYN Productions — News


Thank you notes for 1st responders requested

Cruise 11 to Remember 9-11 requests the public to make thank you cards to be presented when the event presents the representatives from the Macon County Sheriff, Decatur Police, Decatur Fire, Decatur Ambulance their appreciation awards at the September 11th Community Memorial Service at 2:00pm at Central Park in downtown Decatur. The Public is encouraged to attend the Memorial Service and show their support of 1stresponders as the community recognizes the 15th anniversary of 9-11.

Fleet Feet (1090 W Wood Decatur) is a card collection location. Anyone, group, school or organization can make thank you cards, write thank you letters or sign cards and drop them off at Fleet Feet. The cards will be bundled and presented to first responders on September 11th. Hundreds of cards are collected annually at this event. The events on September 11 will include: a car/bike show, Patriotic music, the Memorial and Appreciation awards service and an 11 mille yellow ribbon BG Nevitt Cruise in memory of those lost on 9-11.

All proceeds/donations from the event are donated to purchase Christmas for Veterans in need. In 2015 funds purchased Christmas gifts for nearly 100 Macon County Veterans in Nursing facilities.

Email event coordinator, Ayn Owens at for further information or Cruise 11 to Remember 9-11 fb page.

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IL America's Homecoming Queen

The 35th Annual Illinois Homecoming Queen Selection will be held May 3, 2015 at the Crowne Plaza Springfield in Springfield, Illinos.  America’s Homecoming Queen, Inc. is a non-profit organization promoting education and community service for high school homecoming queens.  If you are a 2014-2015 high school homecoming queen and have not received your application from your high school please contact or phone 901-755-9144 for an application.

Mary Bryant Home

The Mary Bryant Home Low Vision Store, Illinois’ only downstate store of its kind, located at 2960 Stanton Street in Springfield, provides the public convenient access to hundreds of products and is a one-stop shop for low-vision items and gifts. Everything from: talking watches, magnifiers, large  button telephones a talking bible, to even helpful talking kitchen utensils. Holiday shoppers can find that useful gift for seniors or people with a visual  impairment. Store hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday..

For more information about items available or about the Mary Bryant Home, please call toll free at (888) 529-1611, or e-mail The Mary Bryant Home for the Blind and Visually Impaired is a Certified Supportive Living Facility and is a not-for-profit 501c3 organization.

Herald & Review - Cruise 11

– Cruise 11 to honor military, first responders – Herald & Review

– Shotgun Manor1 Sullivan – Haunt Voted #1

– Shotgun Manor2 to host Zombies

– Arborgast History