Event Calendar
Dr. G’s BrainWorks stores open at Lincoln Square Mall or www.drgsbrainworks.com (Sept. 1 also in Market Place Shopping Center)
Every Saturday 11am-2pm @ Lincoln Square Mall Dr. G’s BrainWorks store hosts FREE family game play.
Every Sunday 2pm-4pm @ Lincoln Square Mall Dr. G’s BrainWorks store hosts FREE Chess Cafe.
September 1, 2016—Dr. G’s opening in Market Place Shopping Center
September 3, 2016—Dr. G’s Grand opening in Market Place Shopping Center
September 11, 2016- Cruise 11 to Remember 9-11, Downtown Decatur
Central Park Downtown Decatur, IL
Sponsors: brinkoetter.com, Neuhoff Media, Herald & Review, Dynagraphics, AYN Productions
8:00am Car & Bike Show Registration $11 TO ENTER
12:30pm Judging of Cars & Bikes-Judges are first responders and Veterans
1:30pm Free entertainment Patriotic Sounds featuring Lisa Kaye
2:00pm 9-11 Memorial Service & Awards
Awards for Show-Unique awards (same are presented to our 1st responders)
3:00pm 11-Mile BG Nevitt Yellow Ribbon Memorial Cruise: Central Park to West Main to Decatur Conference Center and back
Donations accepted & encouraged—2015 funds raised bought over 100 Christmas gifts for Macon County Veterans in Nursing Facilities
September 24, 2016– Wellness & Brain Fitness Fair, Market Place Shopping Center, Champaign, IL –10 am until 2pm FREE –the event has 100 vendors, free health awareness screenings and information
October 9, 2016—Dr G’s BrainWorks will host a sanctioned Chess Tournament
October 15, 2016—March of the Living Zombies sponsored by Dr G’s BrainWorks. Market Place Shopping Center, Champaign, IL
November 11, 2016—Veteran’s Day Special Fundraiser with Neuhoff Media for Macon County Veterans
SUPPORTOUR TROOPS & First Responders!
A LONG WAY HOME docudrama DVD’s are now available for $15 plus tax & H This story is written by Vietnam Purple Heart Veteran Thomas R. Jones Senior www.jpublications.com
Nov. 27, 2015– St Louis Showmen’s League 50th Anniversary Banquet at the Hilton At The Ballpark. ST. Louis
October 24, 2015- March of the Living Zombies hosted by Dr. G’s BrainWorks @ Hickory Point Mall Forsyth, IL 2pm zombiefications March steps
off at 3pm from Dr G’s store (south corridor) circles the south corridor and ends at center stage.
October 14, 2015- Boosting Functions in Older Adults at Hickory Point Mall, Forsyth, IL call 773-930-3200 for registration info This one day intensive will offer research anchored functional screening and multi-sensory activities and interventions. These will offer options for most effective stimulating, maintaining and enhancing functions of all older adults regardless of their disability and or environment.
Sept 19, 2015-The Wellness & Brain Fitness Fair will be in the Historic Lincoln Square Mall, Champaign, IL
Aug. 30, 2015-TRAP 4 VETS-This is a trap shooting event to raise funds for the Decatur & Shelbyville American Legions. $500 guaranteed purse! For entry or sponsorship info call 217-853-4668 or email doug@brinkoetter.com
May 23, 2015-Elvis Himselvis Encore 30th Anniversary Show Elvis Aloha from Hawaii @ Hoogland(6 new songs for me and the band) 7:30pm $15
$14 seniors/$10 children under 12
May 3, 2015–– America’s Homecoming Queen Illinois, Crowne Plaza
Springfield, IL
January 16-18, 2015–– IAAF Springfield, IL Crowne Plaza
Jan 10th, 2015–Elvis Himselvis 30th Anniversary show at the Hoogland CFTA downtown Springfield 7pm Easy Street Band, dancers and back up singers! Honor the 80th birthday od Elvis! $15 reserved seats http://www.hcfta.org
September 8- Cruise 11 to Remember 9-11 Car/bike show, Cruise, Entertainment, Memorial Service…a Military Fundraiser
- May 3– AN ELVIS GOSPEL SING featuring Scott Wattles to benefit Mary Bryant Home7pm @St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,1 Bachrach Ct., Decatur, IL General Admission
tickets $10
- May 2013, Salute to Vietnam Veterans Macon County Libraries
- May 1, 2013 Vietnam Era display exhibit opens at Decatur Public Library featuring photos and other items on loan
from area Vietnam Veterans
- May 9, 2013 Thomas Jones, Purple Heart Vietnam Veteran Lecture and A LONG WAY HOME book signing at Decatur Public Library
- May 14, 2013 Vietnam Wall That Heals arrives in Decatur, IL with Official escort to Decatur Public Library
- May 16-19, 2013 Vietnam Wall that Heals will be open to the public in the Parking Lot of the Decatur Public Library
- May 21, 2013 Decatur Public Library & St Mary’s Hospital hosts
a Lecture on PTSD
- 2012
- December 8, 9:30am Flyoverzone radio show featuring Mary Bryant Home Low Vision Store
- December 13, 6:15am WAND Elvis Himselvis & Dooley
- December 15, 10:30am Special Project Scheels Springfield, IL
- December 15, 9:30am Flyoverzone radio show featuring Elvis Himselvis & Dooley
- December 20, 6:45am WICS Elvis Himselvis & Dooley
- December 21, Mary Bryant Home Christmas Party
- January 5th, 2013–An Evening with Elvis at the Hoogland, Springfield, IL…Mary Bryant Home Fundraiser